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Cross-Cultural Dance Resources, Inc. promotes the holistic understanding and appreciation of the diversity and significance of dance as a human universal in all cultural contexts through active research, publication, consultation, and public presentation. Cross-Cultural Dance Resources, Inc. transcends disciplinary boundaries between the arts, humanities, and social sciences in support of the open exploration and investigation of all dance cultures.


Cross-Cultural Dance Resources, Inc. maintains its primary commitment to its core Mission and Goals while expanding its role in the local academic community and beyond into new digital frontiers. In the coming years, Cross-Cultural Dance Resources, Inc. will continue to grow as a national and international learning organization firmly grounded in its established traditions while seeking new horizons in dance cultures, performance, research, and dissemination.


*Meet the challenges of CCDR's Mission and Vision.

*Further develop CCDR's rich network of resources.

*Expand research and dissemination opportunities among CCDR members and their colleagues.

*Improve access to dance culture in all forms.

*Mentor and provide support to dance artists, scholars, and students.

*Increase public awareness of dance cultures and the work of the CCDR.

*Build a sustainable future for CCDR

CCDR is a Concept

Dance, defined broadly, occurs in every human society. Because all human universals are critical to societal maintenance, CCDR acknowledges that dance is not expendable. CCDR is dedicated to learning why dance is universal and why it is not expendable. It does this through programs that research dance, and it shares its findings with the public and with scholars. Our purposes are charitable and educational; promoting dance performances and research; preserving and researching dance materials; promoting a dynamic environment for dance events; welcoming discussion and consultation.

CCDR is Energy

CCDR taps into the affective values of human living that make life worthwhile, as they are expressed through the performing arts. CCDR is sustained by the dance energy that permeates its space; by the people who participate with, at and for CCDR; by the pervasive knowledge that dance is alive and viable throughout the world. CCDR has been vitalized by the energies brought by its Research-Choreographers-in-Residence from 1988-1996: Savannah Walling, Helen Pelton, David Appel, Beverly Brown, Nancy Zendora, Jonathan Lunn, Adair Landborn, Laura Whitman, and Patricia Tate. CCDR activates events. CCDR has been instrumental in bringing vital dance energies and opportunities to Arizona since 1981.

CCDR has a Dream

CCDR's dream is that the understanding of people, as expressed through dance and all the performing arts, will contribute to personal well-being and global peace. CCDR envisions an increasing popular, holistic appreciation of dance, and an ever greater scholarly attention on dance. Founded in perpetuity, CCDR envisions expansion. CCDR works collaboratively to expand through Outreach, Publications, Research, Networking and Space.

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